Our Guiding Principles

Our Guiding Principles

KAIP’s culture is the key to our continued success. Our core values drive how we work, what we deliver, and who we aspire to be in our industry and community. KAIP's core values are based on a set of Guiding Principles.


We act with courage when we do the right things for the right reasons, regardless of expediency or pushback. Then, when our mettle is tested, courage prepares us to move forward boldly, confident that our motives are consistent with our commitment to an optimized outcome for all participants.


We hold ourselves accountable as individuals, as team members, and as an organization to provide our clients with substantive solutions that make a positive difference for them and their customers. We see this as our responsibility not just to our clients, but to the greater community.


Honesty sets the culture for our organization. It fosters a consistent and reliable workplace, and it promotes stable, reciprocal, long-term relationships.


Transparency is about having the courage to be clear, open, and discoverable, even when such qualities prove difficult. It informs everything we do as a company.


We are committed to providing effective solutions for our clients, and that unshakeable commitment generates confidence that we can solve every problem we set our minds to. Our work requires dauntless dedication and rigorous execution, especially when we are driving change or innovation, and it is our commitment to excellence that sees us through.


Trust is critical to any relationship; it is the backbone that makes mutually beneficial and productive relationships possible in the first place. And over the long term, success is built upon the strong and solid foundation of such relationships. Trust breeds success.


The recognition and appreciation of the value and dignity of individuals, for their roles, attributes, or contributions. Encompassing the actions and attitudes that embody treating others with grace, courtesy, consideration, and fairness, while acknowledging and valuing their unique perspectives and experiences.